Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Blog is Back...and so is Wallpaper

What the heck have we been up to? If I've learned anything from The Wire and LOST - and I'd like to think that I have - we can't just tell you all at once. We need to tease it out ad infinitum. At the same time, I'm not really sure why it's taken so long to update this awesome blog. Maybe it was because I overheard students talking about how blogs were "old fashioned." In any case, it's not just around here where things have changed:

* We have a new president. Or, at least, light at the end of this dark tunnel come January 20th.
* The Red Sox lost in the playoffs. Shocking, I know, but those pesky (and healthy) Dev...er...Rays were just the better team.
* The stock market has made a little correction.
* The legislature is arbitrarily giving out b-b-b-billions of dollars.
* 24 returned. No idea if this season is going to not suck. Entourage finished what turned out to be a pretty good season.

Back on the homefront:
* I kicked pneumonia's ass...finally...after it beat me senseless for several weeks.
* We invited Mike's high school friend to take down several trees. It's like beating back nature...we live in the middle of the woods.
* Erika finally got her chaise lounge.
* Painting continues. Very, very slowly.

Finally, I think - I THINK - we have taken down all of the wallpaper we need to take down. At nearly the same instant we took down the last shred of glue-laden floral-printed paper, we learned that wallpaper is making a comeback! Now, I don't know if this is true or not...but I do know that if wallpaper is indeed coming back into style, it sure as hell won't look like the abysmal crap we took down. Sorry, Mrs. I-forget-your-name-former-houseowner, but taking down your old wallpaper was awful. Had we known, we probably would have lowballed you an additional $5k or so.