Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Dharma Initiative

"You seriously named your cat after LOST?" our friend Shelly asked. Well, yeah. To be honest, we were having some trouble thinking of a name, until our friend Katie suggested Dolce, which had a nice ring to it. But, when we went to pick up Unnamed Cat from her foster home, we noticed that a pattern on her back was in the shape of a large arrow. Well, The Arrow is one of the stations on LOST...so Dolce became Dharma.

I've told Erika that no one likes to hear stories about your cat. And it's true. No.one.does. So we're going to keep this posting brief so as not to be hypocrites. I will say that she is frickin' cute as hell and if you want to meet her, well, you'll just have to visit. And we promise that when you do visit...no cat stories.


Anonymous said...

your cat sucks. how about kb and i stay with you guys the night of july 18th? we will be on our way up to rollnis pond for my family camping trip, or we could try and go to the yankees v oakland game that night? let me know.

Deacon and Erika said...

Kelly is welcome to stay. You are not. Good day to you.

ericwyman said...


Katie Shea Britton said...

I will still call her Dolce.