Saturday, September 26, 2009


We're pretty hesitant to post these pictures as our master bathroom was such an embarrassment. We should have called this blog "Look How Shitty Our House Was!" It's amazing what you don't realize when you look at a house and decide to buy it. While doing a walkthrough of this place we were told (by someone very wise and sagelike), "You know, you're going to have to paint all this wood trim." We though it was no big deal...100 hours later, we realized the implications of this fragment of the project. Anyway...away from that digression and back to the crappy bathroom.

It was a lovely shade of blue that brought to mind a beautiful sky or a rolling ocean. I imagine it was supposed to be tranquil and/or peaceful. I don't even think they sell this color at Benjamin Moore anymore. Check it out; this is why we debated just showing the "after" pictures.
I am more certain that they don't manufacture a toilet in a matching color. The original interior designer of this room found a shower stall that was closely matched, but not quite. I had to do some work on this shower awhile ago and pulled out a hair clog that was older than me. I named it Carl (no pics, though).
The sink was supposed to look like a single slab of marble that had been carved out to create a sink. It was a joy to break apart with a sledgehammer, though. We tried to casually put the marblesque remnants for the garbagemen to pick up but they politely declined. The toilet is still in our garage, awaiting its final destination of the Madison-Guilford waste transfer station. Call me quick and you can have it for your throwback blue bathroom.The water faucet thing is because someone told the previous owner that she had bad water. We had it tested and it was great. I tossed out the filtration system - didn't want to bother with selling it on CraigsList.

Everything came out really easily: vanity, mirror, sinkcounter, floor. The total cost of this room when it was built in 1972 was definitely around $1k. Hopefully our take on this room will come out a little better, and last a little longer. More to come...

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