Saturday, December 19, 2009

Eliza is a Recluse

Our pediatricians have put the fear of H1N1 in us; we're told that if Eliza is exposed to a group of 5 or more strangers in a public area that she'll catch the plague and will suffer developmental consequences that will restrict her to a school like Vassar. The horror! Don't fret - soon enough we'll have some pictures of Eliza (and, maybe us) that aren't in our humble abode. In the meantime you will all just have to take the ones at good old Princess Drive.


Eliza knows how to get comfortable.

We did ask Leigh to sign a standard release so we could use her pic.

Not our Christmas card. But it could have been!

Some morning activity time with Mommy and Grammie...

...which Eliza finds hilarious!

Quite a stare and...

...quite a smile!

Busy day! Quality napping time!

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