Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Rice Cereal And Now THIS?

You're feeding me what?

I guess when we stop and think about it, avocado is kind of a weird first food. We sort of both independently thought about it, and when we suggested it to each other, naturally we thought it was a capital idea. As an added bonus, you don't have to do anything to it other than mash it with a fork to get it ready to feed to a 6 month old. As a second added bonus (this is where you can make up your own Goldman-Sachs joke), we happen to love avocado and will happily eat any of the leftovers that Eliza chooses to kick down to us. I don't think this will be true with, say, puree of pea.

Further, avocados have a ton of good fat, potassium, a couple of those B vitamins with the numbers after them, vitamin E, vitamin K, and, also important: fiber.

She seemed pretty excited to be eating - which is not unusual. She didn't seem to recognize the difference in color from her usual dinner of oatmeal to this bright green paste and took her bites quite readily. The end result: she finished an entire half of an avocado in about 10 minutes (a good part of which ended up on her face/bib/floor). She would, intermittently, seem to shudder as if surprised by what she was eating. Which makes sense, seeing as how everything she's eaten until this point had been devoid of texture and, mostly, taste. Round 2 vs. the avocado is tomorrow. Maybe a video (horizontally shot) is in order?


Hey! Not too bad!

Your avocado. Give it to me.

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