Sunday, October 24, 2010


It's a funny thing about video cameras. If you shoot video after video, but fail to move the videos from the magical disc inside the camera to the even more wondrous computer, you might as well have not taken them at all. It would seem that we are falling into the habit of letting these videos lie dormant on that little disc. Well, that ends today!!! We are breaking this habit! Now we need to break the habit of meticulously packing up the point-and-shoot, SLR (with 3 lenses) and HD video camera for events, happenings and outings, only to leave them in their tidy little LowePro case.

This first video is actually a twofer. That's like two videos and one. Oh, we could have shown you a video of Eliza saying, "Uh-oh." And we could have shown you another video of her using a spoon. But you're busy, right? You don't have time for that. We understand. And so we are going to show you both of those one video! (editor's note: the first "uh-oh" is, in fact, Deacon).

Now, that first clip was a terrible example of keeping videos on the camera for too long. It just happened this morning. But this next video...this one makes that point a little better. It happened a week ago, and I have no excuse for burying this clip of Eliza riding a tricycle for the first time. If she knew about this...she'd be pretty mad, because she seems exceedingly proud of her tricycle riding skills.

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