Saturday, October 24, 2009

Changing the Changing Table

There are a couple books written on what kinds of things to buy when you're expecting a baby. We've now read them all and are currently rereading they just in case we missed any gems of wisdom. One of the near-universal suggestions in these books was that we didn't need to buy a separate changing table. So we didn't. What the authors of these books apparently didn't have was a mother that saved a changing table for 30 years!

When we picked up this table things looked pretty grim. But, as we've proven with our house, a coat or three of paint can work wonders. We consulted our books a ninth time to see what kind of paint we should use so the baby wouldn't contract scurvy or plague from the paint fumes and proceeded.

Which is dirtier: the table or the outfit?

This project looks pretty easy. You know what's not easy? Trying to sand, prime and paint in the little crevices of 87 little dowels. There was a point where I thought we might just go with the "distressed" look, saving me the time of priming. And there was another point when the primer itself didn't look so bad. But we ultimately decided that our kid deserved a painted changing table and the job was seen to completion.

Much better! Plus, no dirty Redhook shirt!

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